The Women’s World Day of Prayer is Friday 3rd March. On this day over 5,000 services will be held in the British Isles on the theme “Am I being unfair to you?”.
Locally we will have a service at Duns Tew at 7pm. Please note, the Day of Prayer is not just for women. Everyone is welcome to attend!
This interdenominational service has been prepared by Christian women in the Philippines. It challenges us to think about justice in the world and in our own society.
In 2013 Typhoon Haiyan (named locally as “Yolanda”) struck the Philippine islands in the western Pacific Ocean. This is mentioned in the service but you will also hear the stories of a girl, a mother and an older woman, recounting their situations and their hopes and fears.
The service focuses on the Bible story of the workers in the vineyard: Matthew 20 v 1-16. There is also a reflection on the artwork designed by Rowena Laxamana-Santa Rosa.
The service will be greatly enhanced if different people take part. We need a total of 11 readers to cover the roles which make up the service. If you would be willing to take on a role (none of the readings are very long, no dressing-up required!), I would be very grateful - please give me a ring on 347382 . Copies of the service booklet are available, if you would like to read it before making up your mind.
It doesn’t matter if you don’t want to read, please come to the service to find out more about the theme.