Our Rector is the Reverend Jane Wright
who is based at the Rectory in Westcote Barton.
Lay ministers are
Stephanie Lacey and Susan Small
and we are fortunate to have retired clergyman
David Jackson living in our benefice
who assists from time to time
If you are interested in training for ministry
(lay or ordained), please contact Jane
St Edward the Confessor ~
St Mary the Virgin ~
St Martin ~
St Mary Magdalene ~
Holy Trinity ~
St James ~
Westcote Barton
Steeple Barton
Sandford St Martin
Duns Tew
Over Worton
Nether Worton
The benefice is part of the Diocese of Oxford,
in the Deanery of Woodstock.
Benefice History
In 1960 the parishes of Westcote Barton and Steeple Barton were merged to form the Barton Benefice. In 1975 this united benefice combined with Sandford St Martin, closely followed by Duns Tew in 1977. In 2015 a rearrangement of deanery boundaries allowed Over Worton and Nether Worton to join us. This larger benefice was briefly called the Dorn & Ridge Benefice, but the name never caught on so, after consultation with all those villages which are not actually a Barton, we remain the Barton Benefice!
Bell Ringers
Our Bell Ringers practise on Thursday evenings at Sandford St Martin, and ring for all our churches:
DT: 5 bells, tenor 14.5 cwt in F, ground floor ring (one of the heaviest rings of 5 in the country)
SSM: 6 bells, tenor 9 cwt in A, rung from West gallery
SB: 5 bells, tenor 9 cwt in A, ground floor ring
WB: 3 bells, tenor 6 cwt in C, ground floor ring, straight line, unusual stays
If you would like to know more, please get in touch with the tower captain Phil Sharman on 01869 340626.

Our benefice choir "Cantate Domino"
rehearses on the 2nd and 4th Fridays in the month
at 7.30pm in Ardley.
Choir members are very good at lift sharing, so don't let the location of rehearsals put you off!
New singers are always very welcome!
Email frances@maksinski.com for more information, or if you have a child interested in participating please email jennie.barry@outlook.com.
Children are ALWAYS welcome at regular services in all of our churches but we also have specific services for families.
A Family@Church service, specifically aimed at children and families, is held once a month in Duns Tew, and includes worship songs and children's activities. At major festivals (e.g. Easter and Christmas) there are story-telling services, and Christingle and crib services.
"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Matthew 18:20