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Sandford candles stretched.JPG



Rev Jane Wright Aug 2018.jpg

Westcote Barton churchwardens

Kate Carter-Windle 1.jpg

​​Kate Carter-Windle

01869 349854 or 07775 750903

Sandford St Martin churchwardens

Sara Bristow 

07881 898434   

Over with Nether Worton churchwardens

Alexander Maddan.jpg

​Jennifer  Schuster

01608 683442 or 07836 535250

Alexander Maddan

01869 338273 or 07702 700910

Fund Raising for Polly

Clare Burgess

​(left) with Polly (right)

Lay ministers

Stephanie Lacey

Lay minister

01869 347350

Susan Small

Lay minister

01869 340455

Steeple Barton churchwardens

Jennie Barry.jpg

Jennie Barry

07767 835358

Jenny Jackson

07968 862257

Jenny Jackson CW.jpg

Duns Tew churchwardens

Clare Burgess.jpg

Clare Burgess

01869 347382

Christopher Drake

07767 451301

Chris Drake_edited.jpg

Safeguarding                  Admin

Clare Harper.JPG

Stephanie Lacey

Benefice Safeguarding

Clare Harper

Benefice Administrator

Music & Website

   Frances Maksinski

organist, choir  & website

"...there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone."      

1 Corinthians 12:4-6

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