Our Rector, the Reverend Jane Wright, may be contacted on 01869 340510
(but please note her usual day off is Tuesday)
If you would like to email us, our main (non-urgent) email address is:
Please get in touch with any of the following
if you feel anxious or in need of support :
Our rector Revd Jane Wright 01869 340510 clergy.bartonbenefice@gmail.com
Lay minister Susan Small 01869 340455 susan_small21@yahoo.co.uk
Lay minister Stephanie Lacey 01869 347350 stephanielacey34@icloud.com
Your own church warden see who's who page
"O praise God in His holiness! Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord!" Psalm 150 vv 1 & 6
Our grateful thanks to John Umney and Michael Naylor, among others, for their photos.