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Celebrating John Henry Newman in Over Worton

23 June marked the 200th anniversary of John Henry Newman preaching his first sermon.  This he did, not in Oxford where he was about to become curate at St Clement’s, but in Holy Trinity, Over Worton, the parish of his friend Walter Mayers.His text came from Psalm 27:14, “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.”

More than 130 people gathered to celebrate the bicentenary of Newman’s first sermon.   During the afternoon Mgr Roderick Strange gave a lecture and took some questions.  Then we all enjoyed a wonderful tea in the garden of The Grange.  Our thanks to Jennie and Richard for inviting us to be in such a lovely setting, and to members of the benefice and of local Catholic churches for providing and serving the tea. 

At 5pm, we moved into church, where Bishop Gavin led Evensong and the Archbishop of Birmingham, Bernard Longley preached.  Three of Newman’s hymns and some of his prayers were included in the service and at the conclusion, a shared blessing was given by the Bishop and Archbishop to the congregation of both Anglicans and Catholics.  

It was a wonderful day and a great joy that we were able to mark this special anniversary in Over Worton.

(Left to right) Jane Wright, Rector of the Barton benefice; Gavin Collins, Bishop of Dorchester; Bernard Longley, Archbishop of Birmingham; Fr David Hartley, Parish Priest at Whitnash; (photo by Alan Wright).

Photo captions clockwise from top: Garden view at Newman celebrations; Newman Notice Board Over Worton; Monsignor Strange and audience at Newman Lecture; The Blessing by Archbishop Bernard and Bishop Gavin; Cutting the cake - Archbishop Bernard and Bishop Gavin; Archbishop Bernard and Monsignor Strange with cake; Audience in the garden; The gardens at Over Worton; Rev'd Jane Wright with Monsignor Strange and Archbishop Bernard.


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