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Wescote Barton church fete

contact: Nynka Arthur

SAturday 20th August from 2pm to 4pm at the Rectory

Come and join us for our traditional village fete in the Rectory garden, with lots of fun for adults and children! (If the weather is too wet, the Fête will be held at the Sports & Social Club instead of the Rectory.)

Featuring the Bel Canto choir

Teas with home-made cakes,

ice creams, sale of cakes, produce,

plants, bric-a-brac and books.

Bouncy castle, coconut shy, tractor rides,

raffle, tombola, and other attractions.

If you would like to help run a stall, please call

Nynka (01869 340510) or Carol (01869 340319).

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